swap space on the harddrive when Windows runs out of Graphics Card Memory and System Memory.ġ.4: Overzealous anti-virus software that prevents Lumion from saving the file correctly.ġ.5: Saving Lumion .LS Project files directly to cloud back-up folders, e.g. LS Project file to.ġ.2: Lack of disk space on the harddrive or network drive that your Windows User Account or Documents folder is located on.ġ.3: Lack of Virtual Memory, i.e. There are several potential causes for these errors:ġ.1: Lack of disk space on the harddrive or network drive that you saved the. LS Project file, it usually means that something on the PC is preventing the save/overwrite operation.

LS Project file has been corrupted due to a save error. LS Project file, it usually means that the. If Lumion crashes or displays an error while loading an.